Privacy policy

Who are we ?

The address of our website is:
Our contact details are:
Chantal Vander Vorst
Humanix sprl
Voie Maréchal Grouchy, 17
1300 Wavre – Belgium

Use of the personal data we collect


Errors or technical incidents aside, comments are disabled on this website.

Contact forms

All contact forms send your message directly to our e-mail address. To our knowledge, no data is stored on the server. Nevertheless, to eliminate any risk, we have converted these forms into a simple “mailto” button which will open a new message with our address on the email client defined by default on your computer.


If you have an account and log on to this site, a temporary cookie will be created to determine if your browser accepts cookies. It does not contain any personal data and will be deleted automatically when you close your browser.

When you log in, we will set a number of cookies to store your login details and screen preferences. A login cookie remains valid for two days, or one year in case of a screen option cookie. If you check “Remember me”, your login cookie will be stored for two weeks. If you log out of your account, the cookie will be deleted.

When you edit or post a publication, an additional cookie will be stored in your browser. This cookie does not contain any personal data. It simply indicates the ID of the publication you have just modified. It expires after one day.

On the home page, two cookies are saved to avoid displaying the mailing list subscription window each time a visitor comes to the site. These cookies are deleted after 60 days. They do not contain any personal data.

Embedded content from other sites

Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles…). Content integrated from other sites behaves in the same way as if the visitor were visiting that other site.

These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed third-party tracking tools, track your interactions with such embedded content if you have an account logged into their website.

Statistics and audience measurement

This site is hosted by, which collects statistical data on visits. No personal data is recorded, only data on date and time, pages visited, country, type of browser and type of device used. Here is the link to the privacy policy of

Use and transfer of your personal data

For our mailing lists, we use MailChimp as a technical tool to facilitate the creation of messages compatible with the majority of e-mail clients and the sending of grouped messages. MailChimp integrates a complete data update and unsubscription mechanism. Read more about MailChimp’s privacy policy.

How long do we store your data?

For users who register on our site (if possible), we also store the personal data registered in their profile. All users can view, change or delete their personal information at any time (with the exception of their username). The site managers can also view and change this information.

Your rights concerning your data

If you have an account or if you have left comments on the site, you can request to receive a file containing all the personal data we hold concerning yourself, including the data you have provided us with. You may also request the deletion of your personal data. This does not include data stored for administrative, legal or security purposes.

Transfer of your personal data

Visitors’ comments may be checked using an automated service to detect unwanted comments.

For our mailing lists, we use MailChimp as a technical tool to facilitate the creation of messages compatible with the majority of e-mail clients and the sending of grouped messages. MailChimp integrates a complete data update and unsubscription mechanism. Read more about MailChimp’s privacy policy.

Contact information

For any request concerning access, modification or deletion of your data, you can contact us by e-mail at:

Further information

This website uses a security and protection module that registers your IP address only in the event that it detects fraudulent activity such as unauthorised attempts to connect to the CMS, server overload attacks, code injection attempts, etc. Within this specific framework, the IP address is recorded in order to allow temporary blocking. For security reasons, it is also possible that this address may be shared with the user community automatically in order to improve the overall security of the sites that use this security module. On the basis of this IP address, the software is able to deduce the country and city where the attack comes from using a “whois” command. This module does not use cookies for visitors only. C’It is the same module that also ensures data security.

As a precautionary measure, we prefer not to mention the name of the module in question.

We also use Google’s Recaptcha module for website security. By using the login module for site administration, you agree to the Google Recaptcha terms and conditions and privacy policy. This module does not affect visitors only.

Ce site utilise des cookies fonctionnels. En poursuivant votre navigation sur ce site, vous acceptez l\\'utilisation de ces cookies.  En savoir plus

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