Online training

Making change happen

Detox and Grow is an international coaching movement initiated by Chantal Vander Vorst. We work closely with partners who share the same values.


Shin Gi Taï. Unification of mind, technique and body.

Lunchtime seminars : Resilience

Resilience is our ability to return to a powerful and serene state of equilibrium no matter what happens. It is a skill that we will develop during this course.

How ? Through 8 online modules of 1 hour each.

Benefits :

Each module takes place online in the presence of Chantal Vander Vorst, and includes

  • Knowledge and facts to better understand
  • Exercises to develop resilience and adaptability
  • A guided thematic meditation
  • A behavioural anchoring exercise ispired by martial arts
  • One summary sheet per module
  • Suggestions for exercises, food-for-thought and further readings from one module to the next.

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