Online training

Making change happen

Detox and Grow is an international coaching movement initiated by Chantal Vander Vorst. We work closely with partners who share the same values.


Shin Gi Taï. Unification of mind, technique and body.

Lunchtime seminars : Resilience

Resilience is our ability to return to a powerful and serene state of equilibrium no matter what happens. It is a skill that we will develop during this course.

How ? Through 8 online modules of 1 hour each.

Benefits :

Each module takes place online in the presence of Chantal Vander Vorst, and includes

  • Knowledge and facts to better understand
  • Exercises to develop resilience and adaptability
  • A guided thematic meditation
  • A behavioural anchoring exercise ispired by martial arts
  • One summary sheet per module
  • Suggestions for exercises, food-for-thought and further readings from one module to the next.

Agenda :

  • Module 1: the power of the brain. Observation: a part of the brain allows us to be resilient and to adapt, but it is overridden by our “autopilot”. Our goal: to set it free.
  • Module 2: the link between emotions, behavior, thoughts, and … our genes. Observation: we have 60 to 70,000 thoughts per day and more than 90 % of these are the same as the thoughts of the day before. Our goal: to develop a virtuous circle.
  • Module 3: stress, stressors and stressability. Observation: Stress is an instinctive state of emergency which, in humans, appears in more than 95% of cases for irrational reasons. Our goal: to weed out the unnecessary.
  • Module 4 : mental cages Observation: each time we recall a negative memory in our thoughts, we produce chemical reactions and we relive the event as if it were there. but… is that really the case, here and now? Rarely. Our goal: to release blockages.
  • Module 5: Crossing the River of Change Observation : resilience and adaptability are skills, they can be developed. Why is it sometimes so difficult when these skills are genetically programmed in us? Our goal: to create the motivation to evolve.
  • Module 6: Building up discipline. Observation: changing a psychological, emotional or behavioural habit requires awareness, rigour and discipline. Our goal : to anchor change.
  • Module 7 : anchoring oneself Observation: the Automatic Mental Mode makes us loose our focus and leads us into narratives that are often negative. Why? Because in the wild, this memory of danger is essential to avoid it. Our goal: to stay the course.
  • Module 8: creating your dream through visualisation. Observation: the vitality, prosperity and longevity of a wish or project corresponds to the vitality, prosperity and longevity of its owner. Our goal : to create the conditions for change.


  • 08/03 from 12h30 to 13h30
  • 15/03 from 12h30 to 13h30
  • 22/03 from 12h30 to 13h30
  • 29/03 from 12h30 to 13h30
  • 05/04 from 12h30 to 13h30
  • 03/05 from 12h30 to 13h30
  • 10/05 from 12h30 to 13h30
  • 24/05 from 12h30 to 13h30

Information :

Price for the whole session:225EUR VAT included for individuals / 385 EUR VAT excluded for self-employed and businesses.

The modules will take place via Zoom and the link will be sent to you after payment.



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